Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do you find it hilarious listening to people give advice on babies and children when they don't have any?

Like the people who write all those so called child expert books, however, probably have never spent any time with one.

I have some childless family members who love to give me advice, but don't have the slightest clue about babies or children.

They apparently don't know how stupid they sound.Do you find it hilarious listening to people give advice on babies and children when they don't have any?
Yes. I find it hysterical. Kind of like the guy on here that has a pregnant wife and takes care of his nephew, yet he stalks the baby section.

ETA opinion: I think she summed it up when she said ';have never spent any time with one'' Don't you assume that daycare workers have spent time with babies? Obviously she wasn't talking about them.Do you find it hilarious listening to people give advice on babies and children when they don't have any?
It drives me mad. People who don't have kids should just save all that great advice for their own kids. The other thing that drives me mad is people who haven't raised a kid in 50 years and act like they still know everything about raising a baby. And their defense is always the same, well my kids all turned out fine. Yes, maybe they did but I'm not going to put cereal in a 2 month olds bottle and I don't feel like just leaving my baby in his room to cry for 3 hours, and no he won't grow up to be a spoiled brat because I pick him up when he cries.
people who have just observed or babysat children, with none of their own, have absolutely no room to talk when it comes to the more important parenting issues. although they may have loved kids and spent a lot of time with them... they can't possibly know about the medical worries you have as a first time mom, sleep problems, decisions about shots or methods of feeding, discipline, etc. i sometimes get irritated when they are so adamant that they are right, or when they tell me ';you need to let him cry'; or ';he's fine playing by himself... just let him be, he's content talking to himself'; or ';his sunglasses are dirty/ his high chair buckle is filthy';... umm okay... my son is clean as is his things and i'm a germ freak. i want to be like.. ';i'm pretty sure i know what he needs. every kid is different and obviously i'm doing what works the best for both of us so unless i ask for your inexperienced parenting advice - please keep your thoughts to yourself. thanks.';
I think it's funny too lol. The other day one of my childless friends was lecturing me on how important it is for me to implement a schedule with my 9 month old, and how I was confusing him by letting every day be a little different. Then later in the day, she was lecturing me on giving him table foods. I just nod...can't wait till she has children!
Yes. It drives me crazy. My SIL is always handing out unwanted advice to me and my sisters about how we should be doing this, instead of that for our children. I try to take it with a grain of salt, but sometimes I just want to let her know that once she gives birth, then she can dish out some advice of her own, not something she read in a book or online.
my boyfriends cousin is a dentist and she gives lots of her opinion on bottlefeeding and teething

she sounded so stupid when she said i should put him on the bottle instead of the breast

i was thinking ';for one you dont have any kids so what the hell do you know? and for two, arent you a dentist? you should know breast is better for teeth and jaw development!!!';
yeah my sister does it all the time! it drives me crazy! I feel like saying ';you try looking after kids full-time for more than a day!'; lol. guess they are just trying to be helpful. I've never read any of the books on parenting - i think common sense is the best way.
It's just advice :) however I have received advice from friends who do not have their own children but play big roles in taking care of nieces, nephews or some who had raised their own siblings. for those who i know NEVER changed a diaper...those people are funny.
I think its even funnier when people are judging and being critical on my parenting skills when THEIR kids are smoking dope, getting pregnant, cussing them out, or picking on smaller kids. That really cracks me up.
How would you class people who work with children, such as nannies, daycare people, teachers and such who doesnt have any kids of hteir own? Can they still give good advice?
LOL example: Seth. im going to laugh when he has red headed little whores who end up pregnant at 12 and slamming doors with crazy hormones!
I know- they sound so sure of themselves, don't they?

It's far easier to parent hypothetical kids than real ones!
People are perfect parents...until they have their own child.
totaly aggree with you!!!!!!!!! I just nod and smile... and deep down i tell myself.. ';just wait until you have kids'; lol!

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