Friday, January 8, 2010

What is your advice to people who is suffering from anorexia?

Seek medical attention and appropriate counselling basically.What is your advice to people who is suffering from anorexia?
Seek help immediately. You can't trust the mirror, so don't even look at one until you have conquered your problem. It's all about self-image, and if you don't like the way you see yourself then it probably has very little to do with your body and more to do with your self esteem. Get help. Don't wait.What is your advice to people who is suffering from anorexia?
Let other peopel that care about you help you. You are pretty (if u are a girl) or handsome 9if u are a guy). and make sure you eat healthy and exercise. do not deprive ur body of the foods and drinks it needs.
I would say that just becuase you are skinny does not make you attractive.. And plus do you think that any man would want to lay there hands on a woman who is skin a bones no... you may be skinny but your not toned. and thats not sexy
you are beautifuuul no matter what they saaay, words can't bring you are beautiful in every single way, no words can't bring you doooown no no no
Seek help from someone, there is no need to be thin as a stick, love yourself for who you are.
Being as thin as a stick is horrible

Guys like a bit of volume ;)
Let other people help you. No one gets through your life on their own.
to see a doctor and arrange counselling
  • cream blush
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