This is actually very simple. When you give someone advice you are typically impartial. Their life doesn't affect yours or how you feel. You use your head and think out the best way to handle something. You know what should be done by analyzing the situation. However when you are faced with a similar situation in your own life your emotions get in the way. What you want tends to cloud your judgement and you react in ways that you hope will reach that outcome. You don't use your head as much in your own life because your heart gets in the way.Why is it easier to give advice to other people?
What a coincidence, i was thinking the same thing about an hour ago and how funny it would be if yahoo answers added a new feature: you can answer your own question! You've gotten good feedback already - ditto to what an earlier answerer said, that you are more impartial (and less emotional) when evaluating another's problem - but when faced with your own situation, there are emotional factors involved. There are messy details, little intangibles that one may be prone to blow out of proportion due to emotions - that don't factor in when analyzing another person's problems.
Because you know what may work for other people but not necessarily for yourself. Maybe you haven't even figured things out yet but it's all a matter of searching. I think giving advice to others gives us a bit of edge to our ego because we probably are in denial of our own troubles and just want to tell others what to do.
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