Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What's the best piece of 'alternative' green advice you would give young people?

I'm looking for different ideas to tackle the problem - ie unusual ways to help save the environment that people don't normally consider - not just the usual ';switch off lights, take the bus and re-use everything'; Any wide ranging suggestions would help!What's the best piece of 'alternative' green advice you would give young people?
I'm just wondering how many are aware of ';NASA's Clean Air Plant Study'; completed several years ago? http://www.zone10.com/tech/NASA/Fyh.htm

';Common indoor plants may provide a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. Those plants in your office or home are not only decorative, but NASA scientists are finding them to be surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air inside modern buildings.';

';NASA research has consistently shown that living, green and flowering plants can remove several toxic chemicals from the air in building interiors. You can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work - where people feel better, perform better, and enjoy life more.';

TOP 10 plants most effective in removing: formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air.

Common Name - Scientific Name

Bamboo Palm - Chamaedorea Seifritzii

Chinese Evergreen - Aglaonema Modestum

English Ivy - Hedera Helix

Gerbera Daisy - Gerbera Jamesonii

Janet Craig - Dracaena ';Janet Craig';

Marginata - Dracaena Marginata

Mass cane/Corn Plant - Dracaena Massangeana

Mother-in-Law's Tongue - Sansevieria Laurentii

Pot Mum - Chrysantheium morifolium

Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum ';Mauna Loa';

Warneckii - Dracaena ';Warneckii';

Always think out of the box and keep in mind that your health is your wealth.What's the best piece of 'alternative' green advice you would give young people?
Hey, I'm working on a website about going green. Could you write an article on ways to go green? I saw your answer, it was very interesting. If you decide to write an article can you include your full name and sources, if you used any.

Thank you

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Please listen carefully. The amount of evidence AGAINST global warming as a theory is massive and mounting each day. We are in a cycle that occurs naturally and often.

Any scientist that goes against the theory of global warming is sacked immediately though and the media is controlled not to report otherwise.

Even the co-founder of Greenpeace states openly it's all nonsense.

That's about as 'alternative' as it gets.

Please research it, and open your eyes to the lies.

Try YouTube or Google and search it!
Apart from the excessive amount of wind they appear to need to reduce. (Lay off the baked beans :o)

Youth is no different to adulthood. You don't say switch off a light or close a door, you say leaving a light on is costing you this or it costs this to heat a room.

Your audience has a mind set that revolves around money, that is the society we live in. Talk Pounds and Pence not idealism.

If I wanted to promote vermiculture in home composting, I'm going to get a lot more interest telling people that the local fishing shop will buy their surplus worms and worm casts are fertiliser than I will saying its your personal effort to save the planet.
take your rubbish home with you and dispose of it properly - keep a spare carrier bag in your bag for exactly this purpose;

don't pick wild flowers or dig up plants to take home with you - take a picture, it'll last longer;

do'nt damage trees, hedges, fences, or anything that you don't own;

water is the most valuable recyclable resource, and the easiest to recycle - use less and get water butts - even balconies can get these, I've read, though I don't know from where; there are also small composters for balconies;

it's never ';someone else's problem'; - it's yours, mine and everyone else's!

Ours is about the last generation that can make a difference - act so your grandchildren's grandchildren will bless you rather than ask, ';why didn't they do something when there was a chance to change things?';
I've explained to my kids that climate has always changed, and that it always will. Every dinosaur book has geologic timelines that even little tykes can understand.

That way, they're not freaked out when Leftist Political Whores incessantly claim the world will end if we don't turn off our cars.

Now THAT'S alternative green advice.
you could tell them about the different bargain you could get by buying from farmer's markets instead of those store bought fruits and vegetables because the government would pay less money to use pesticides on farms or fields and that will help the environment a lot

and like the others said ask them to fart less :D
I tell my kids that global warming is a farce, and while it is a noble idea to live green, what the individual does, will not amount to a ';hill of beans'; All you are doing is paying more money for ';green'; products, and being ripped off by the companies.

And like the fellow above says...fart less
Don't waste energy!

Don't waste paper!

Don't spend too much time at PCs and TV!


Try to fill your balconies with as more plants as you can!

My best advice:

1. Never believe the media or anyone that claims to be an ';Environmentalist';

2. Study and learn the facts. Do the math and make sure it all adds up.

3. Never take action on ';Feelings';
Buy second-hand clothes and use your imagination to personalise them. You could even sell them if you have a talent for this.
use less paper,

turn off your consoles.

or produce less personal methane (fart less :P)
  • zits
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